My name is Paulsen Jean. I was born on the sea between Turtle Island and Port-de-Paix. I was brought up in a religious family. I am the eldest of 3 boys. I had the chance to attend the College Norte Dame de Lourdes in Port-de-Paix. I am a student in the 3rd year of legal science at the law school of Gonaïves. In 10 years I see myself with a doctorate degree in criminology and a specialist in the plastic arts.
I have a passion for language, poetry, art, music, culture, nature, and life. My favorite colors are yellow and orange
I am proud to be a Haytian. I give praise, love, and appreciation to my ancestors. My craft is centered around my roots and nature.My place of confinement is my art. My work carries deep powerful emotions.
My highest goal with Aleph Relm is to convey the same pleasure I experience when creating my work.